The best graphics card is your own imagination

The best graphics card is your own imagination

Listen. Decide. Become a Hero

Based on the well-known play mat, Tapari creates a modern and interactive play world. Tapari combines the classic play mat with interactive audio stories.

As soon as a decision is made within the story, the child can use game figures to navigate to different places on the mat where the story will continue.


Robust and easy to clean

Unique and easy controls



Interactive Play

Storyline Controls


Language and decision making

Promotes haptics and motor skills

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Rethinking classic toys: completely without a screen

Tapari is aimed at parents with children between the ages of three and eight who want an interactive activity for their child and do not want to resort to classic digital media with a screen.

Using Tapari is not only simple, but also designed to be child-friendly. The carpet serves as a play surface on which the child can experience their adventures and let their imagination run wild.

Supporters and collaborations


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